This workshop took place on August 20th 2019 at MT Summit XVII.
14:00 Welcome
14:05 Translating perceptions and managing expectations: an interview study on the role of MT in translation production networks [Abstract, Slides]
Lucas Nunes Vieira, Elisa Alonso
14:30 Promoting ethical and sustainable use of MT in the translation industry: A case in Japan [Abstract, Slides]
Akiko Sakamoto, Masaru Yamada
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Translation as commodity or commons? A wider social issue [Abstract, Slides]
Claire Larsonneur
15:55 A Labour of Love: Indications and Implications of Human Translators’ Attachment to their Craft [Abstract, Slides]
Silke Lührmann
16:20 Implementing MTPE into a real industrial scenario: what do translators need for a fair MT workflow? [Abstract, Slides]
Sergi Alvarez, Antoni Oliver, Toni Badia
16:45 Consequences of automation in the translation supply chain [Abstract, Slides]
Félix do Carmo
17:10 Discussion
We would like to thank all of those who attended and presented at the workshop!