Workshop at MT Summit 2019

The first Fair MT workshop took place at The Helix, Dublin City University, 20th August 2019. Thanks to all who presented and attended! Titles, abstracts, and slides are below (in order of presentation).

Translating perceptions and managing expectations: an interview study on the role of MT in translation production networks [Abstract, Slides, Article]
Lucas Nunes Vieira, Elisa Alonso

Promoting ethical and sustainable use of MT in the translation industry: A case in Japan  [AbstractSlides]
Akiko Sakamoto, Masaru Yamada

Translation as commodity or commons? A wider social issue [AbstractSlides]
Claire Larsonneur

A Labour of Love: Indications and Implications of Human Translators’ Attachment to their Craft [AbstractSlides]
Silke Lührmann

Implementing MTPE into a real industrial scenario: what do translators need for a fair MT workflow? [AbstractSlides]
Sergi Alvarez, Antoni Oliver, Toni Badia

Consequences of automation in the translation supply chain [AbstractSlides]
Félix do Carmo

Please see our Call for Papers for a special issue of Translation Spaces on this topic.

Organising Committee

Joss Moorkens, Dorothy Kenny, and Félix do Carmo 

ADAPT Centre, School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland